Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Why do I post (protest, call, write, march,…)? (from 2017)

Why do I post (protest, call, write, march,…)? 

Because I have daughters and I tell them they have the same rights as any other person. Therefore I need to make sure they actually do. 

I want them to be empowered. 

I want them to know that their life, their body and their mind are that, theirs. 

What they do with them is their choice. 

I want them to know that reason and empathy are better ways to move through life, to learn, to connect with others and expand beyond arbitrary borders. I want them to know that anti-women policies, anti-feminism, misogyny, and any form of discrimination are not acceptable; I do not want to see any of those normalized more than they are now. 

 I do not want them limited or hidden in shadows to satisfy some toxic masculinity or religious fanaticism, that abandons reason and embraces authoritarianism.

(From 2017)